Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gemstone Pendants How Do I Determine If A Gemstone Is Genuine .. ?

How do I determine if a gemstone is genuine .. ? - gemstone pendants

I have a box of rings and brooches, pendants, etc. How do I know if the stones are real or just pieces of glass? A jeweler, a little crazy when I am presented with 3 0r 4 dozen different items and what is likely to blame me?


Matthew X said...

Hmmmm ... it depends on what are the pins and things go well. First, would be the easiest way to see if a piece of glass is a precious or stones can. If you do not intersect, is a gem. In addition, if the stone is also clear there are good chances that every glass. These are the two best ways I could imagine. Another way would be, not chemicals, but) a good idea. Oh Yup, made only at the jeweler. I would not mind, I mean ... A deal is a deal! Good luck with the stones!

taff said...

hello, if you are diamonds? if it is a striped mirror, then they really are, I have tried with a false diamond and a real diamond and it does not work that other precious stones.

taff said...

hello, if you are diamonds? if it is a striped mirror, then they really are, I have tried with a false diamond and a real diamond and it does not work that other precious stones.

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